Monday, 26 October 2009

Oh man, I know I really shouldn't be blogging now as blogging language deteriorates my language, which will be needed for GP. But yeah, for the sake of sharing this, which I am really am eager to share, it would be worth it.

I just watched 500 days of Summer over dinner on my laptop, sort of a quick chill out session for myself and to slack for the day- tempted by my sister who gave me 5 star recommendation.

This movie goes out to anyone and everyone who thought so much about destiny and love. Trusting fate to the fullest that one day your destined will come. Obsessed whenever you caught a glimpse of your 'legendary' crush, a person whom you have waiting for ages or someone whom you think fits you best. In reality, that may just be a sensational feeling that a person feels while looking him/her and may not necessarily be the best partners to be. (I guess). Got to admit that I once held on to a crush for 5 dumb years and it ain't worth it =).

Every time a broken heart comes into picture, the phrase "there are many other fishes out in the sea" comes shortly. For the heart broken or the person being dump, indeed, this phrase is POWERFUL. Don't underestimate it!



Sunday, 25 October 2009


I'm here for a quick post, sort of a shout out before I give in the last burst.
There are many instances when people don't trust in their own ability that restricted themselves from becoming who they really are. Much of what you could have done had already been done. These few months have been a torture and it also conformed all of us into living the same lifestyle - the mugging lifestyle. Much as I am hating it, it have a tremendous influence on my life as well as people around me. Families are compromising to sleeping time, the number of tuitions are beginning to increase and there are almost no time for any form of entertainment.

So much have been done while many sacrifices have been made, the last of which is to believe in yourself and have faith.

Believing in yourself is important!

PIA to the end!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

When I returned from school, I dropped at the bus stop and stoned " What happened to my house?!"

At the very end, half of the entire roof was ripped by the flames and the flames were as tall as the building itself.
50m away from where I stay lies a wild flame, what could have been more thrilling?

This is so cool!

Pray that no one was injured..

Read More

Monday, 5 October 2009

I was reading this book and this page is particularly meaningful to me.

Can we ever find the perfect woman? The truth is..

The pretty one cannot cook
The good cook is not gentle
The gentle has no personal view
The opined is not feminine
The feminine spends too much
The thrifty is not fashionable
The fashionable is not reliable
The reliable is not pretty,
and the pretty one..

Can we ever find the perfect man? The truth is..

The clever one is ugly
The handsome is poor
The rich is irresponsible
The responsible is useless
The useful is not romantic
The romantic is not reliable
The reliable is stupid
and the clever one..

Accept one another's imperfections and there will be love.

Written by Dr Henry Siew.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Going to be away for a long time.

My languages have been really atrocious, that's probably the limit to my ability. Writing more, reading more or blogging makes no difference to it. May be I shouldn't "infuriate" the readers any more, just like what the marker commented on my essay.

I know I always wanted to stop blogging but my itchy fingers just wanted to type out something while I'm online. This time, it's for real. I going to learn the proper English and hopefully get a minimum D for GP. It's quite a challenge for the mandarin speaking me, although my Chinese didnt score really well either. I'm sure not to choose any language related subject if I do get into a decent U.

To round it all up, the year of 2009 have great with knowing many new friends on competition as well in classrooms. The head start was smooth but the ending is rather rough, especially when the number of days down to 'A's are numbered. Finally, I am able to settle down to realize that I have been in my own wonderland in the past months. Not knowing how important A levels are and consistently try to keep myself away from stress just keeps me in the status quo mode. I do not chant for luck, instead my glimmer of hope will come from the hardwork that I will be putting in.

Good luck to all. Till then =).

38 days.