Have been studying a lot lately, almost about anything and everything in the skies. So well, when you get information overload in classes, you tend to daydream and wonderful and awkward imaginations take place.
We were learning about the many different types of clouds and they are somewhat like choosing a girlfriend
Let's begin with the highest cloud at 20,000ft
The family of above 20k feet. Aka. upper income class, because they are "up there".
Cirrus clouds are commonly seen in Singapore. The slimmest and wispy amongst all cloud, made up by ice crystals (diamond lovers). When you give her "warm front", this girl is smoother on its surface. Clam as she might be look and tingle you, she can deceive you in a few hours cause a heavy storm is coming your way.
This kind of girl are pretty but materialistic and dangerous, in short are like high maintenance vehicle (HMV).... AVOID.
Cirrocumulus clouds are like little patches of cloth trying to cover up the entire sky. She is very organize and align herself neatly with other clouds of her kind. Similar with her sister, cirrus, she can't without ice crystals jewelries. However, even her being so neat, she is unable to shade the earth from the scotching sun. This type of girls, on top of being a HMV, are perfectionist to no results. AVOID.
Cirrostratus clouds is a thin layer cloud that covers a large surface area of clouds in the sky. Like both her sisters - Cirrus and Cirrocumulus - she love ice crystals. But she's different and known to be the kindest among her family cause she possesses a halo. When she directly covers the sun or moon, a "halo" is shown to be hovering over her due to transparency and light reflective (caused by ice crystals). She's the kind of girl I've been considering for very long... kind yet high maintenance. Yet, I came to a conclusion that without the sun or moon, she'll still be evil. AVOID.
The family of 6,500 to 20,000 feet. Aka "middle income class".
The middle class, unlike the upper class are made up largely of water droplets and vapour. Life's more practical and comfortable at these temperature.
Altocumulus looks like cirrocumulus as she is the cousin of hers but she's more bold and thicker. Just like her cousin, she is neat and perfect. Just that she has a bad temper, in a few short hours, it'll be thunderstorms and reign on you. This is kind of girl is going grab you at your neck and make sure you pay for small mistakes, when you get caught by her, marriage will be a prison. AVOID.
Well, Altostratus there's only one thing I can say about you. You cover the sunshine of my life. The whole world looks dark with you around, I was dull and boring when you came. When my craft flies through you, you create atmospheric icing and kill my wings, sending me to death. I hate you. AVOID.
The family of less than 6,500 feet. Aka "low income group". (not even term as "class". WTH)
Stratoscumulus Stratocumulus, I love you the most. I like it how you drizzle lightly on my head or block out the sun when I'm having a hard day. You have done good to many parts of mother earth by shielding the poles directly from UV rays. Because you are drier and formed up of more stable air particles, you always stay long enough with me. But sometimes you stayed too long that it gets on my nerves, it invades my personal privacy and my whole day's schedule is affected by you because you cause long hours of drizzle. AVOID.
Oh Stratus, it's just so hard to take a photo of you. Because practically, you take no shape. It was always hard to find you because you always play hard to get. You hide amongst mist and fog, shy to show yourself. When I'm you, I could hardly see. My poor visibility was because I was always blinded by your love. But why of all girls, do you have to dump me? I know I was at fault when it comes to figuring out where was your head or toe when I hug you. Nonetheless, when you left me, I realised how pretty this world was again. Good bye love.
Cumulonimbus is horrible. Period. You drenched me the instant we met. Electrocute me with your bolts and you are mentally unstable. AVOID.
The unclassified family. Exist from Earth's surface to 20,000 ft.
Dear Cumulus, thank you for providing me with such fair weather each day. You are puffy and cute girl that all guys loves. Love at first sight describes you. Despite you having unstable air particles within. I understand that you are the kind of women which keeps all the troubles to herself and absorbs all the stress and unhappiness, showing only the happy side of you to all around. But do not keep these to yourself for you might develop into towering Towering Cumulus then to Cumulonimbus and indirectly harm those around you with tonados, typhoons, hails and watersprouts. AVOID.
---THE END---