tiny little micro bites. It sends your face into the future, some
looked like we are in our 30s, some 50s and some in our graves. It
swells and hurts, like the feeling of drowning and ends you up with a
whole body of measles. Every breathe you take is a struggle to stay
Sitting on your brim, all is seen is a single tunnel of light, within
the already suffocating you is a small sparkle of hope to regain
conscious, wanting to feel that perfect vision you always had. It
slowly creeps till total darkness and it's uncontrollable, till the
point you fall from conscious or you release the button.
All those attentions on instruments and spatial awareness only centred
at one vision : to fight this G monster.
But when I see those darkness, I remembered you. That vision of you
that fired me up, giving me a reason to stand up again. To stand up
against all these odds. No matter if it's all backstabbers here, it
doesn't matter if I'm weak or at my limits, it doesn't matter if I'm
seeing darkness. Seeing you lights up the world. It's an unspoken and
unexplained truth. But although you died, that thought has always been
a motivation. I can't deny it, love is part of me. It's every part of
me when I'm at my limits.
Thank you and rest well :). I'll continue discovering love, the best
part of it or the bad part of it, I'll walk with it :).