Saturday, 29 October 2011

The great divide

This post goes out to everyone out there with a heart to listen. For people who are selfless and think for others more often than themselves.

Couple of days back while watching the box office 'In Time' this simple memory hit me on wealth disparity.

When I was younger, my dad like to bring me around to world to visit places which aren't very well off. We been up in the mountains to visit terrace padi fields, been down to valley to sea fish mongers, in the mountains to visit miners. These were places in China province which are not easily accessible to the public and it usually involves long train ride and road trip to reach. We normally head out there in our buggy and befriend a reliable driver along the way to get to these places.

When we were there people see us as if we were gods with lots of wealth even though all we had was a simple jacket and a trendy sport shoe. I could specifically remember a moment when my ever passionate photographer dad wanted to take a photo of these 3 little girls and those 3 girls were trying to avoid his camera lens. Not knowing what a camera was, they freak out when they appeared on the LCD screen of the camera. One of them stood up and made a deal with Dad that if he wants to take a photo of them, he needs to mailed at least a copy back. So my dad made that promise.

What's the cost of a camera? A little device we have stucked to each and everyone of our phone where we snap pictures of happy and sad moments to share with love ones. But for these girls who are young and wanted to remember that moment in time, had never seen a camera before. A train ticket to the cities is a luxury for these people, it is equivalent to a month's pay. There's no TV, no fridge nor a washing machine in the household. Their portable water are from the water wells. This disparity in wealth will be the same for the next century unless the wealthy do something to lift these people up.

One of the biggest thought that hit me was that if I put myself in the shoes of that farmer and wanted to become that charm smart looking city boy, would I ever be able to? By planting more seeds, by plough more fields, by harvesting more grains... will I be able to?

Hope the world can be a better place for everyone.

Monday, 10 October 2011

This is not my home.

In this place, where we often see backstabbing. Often see instructors march on your pride, where we hear how the most selfish people prevail and where we see good people end up in tears. Where our own ass are constantly in the spotlight and not our ability to shine. When things goes wrong here, fingers start to point, asses start to close and people starts to turn away. Only those who (claim to be the smartest) who have the cheek to be thick skin enough to step on others to get higher will shine. In this place, I would never want to try to be home.

Home is where there's a comfortable sofa, a cup of hot milo, good music with a warm ambiance is present. Most importantly filled with people who cares and loves you. Who celebrate your achievements. Who will help you even if it was a small problem. Who stands by you when you made wrong decisions and admitted wrong. Who hugs and kisses you when in joy. I've not felt real love in a long time and especially coming from a family so well knitted. Home is where mummy, daddy and sis is =).

I've been away from home for the longest of time. But this is not my home, not here. So let's keep fighting till the end.

55 days =). I can't wait. Let's fight.