I came by something really sweet today and thought it would be nice to share it with my diary once again.
I have an instructor, a person with all the power and might, an influential character. A little history about this man, although he always had the power and authority over most people, he was never once mean to any of them. A strong mentor with valor, values and principles. But in life, sometimes we don't get to perfect situation that puts us in the best or most advantageous position. He was often bullied and told to handle the worst jobs but till date.. he performs each of them to his best of abilities. Till date, he is not afraid of workloads coming to him and take each of his assignments with pride.
This is the man who gave up himself at a very crucial moment of his life, took a disadvantage option to live a higher purpose.
He gathered all of us up and told us the story of a new born leaf.
A leaf that had always thirst for an adventure.
Falling from the skies, this leaf is heading towards his first flight after sticking to the tree since birth.
It was heading towards the waters, the very streams he was curious how it felt like to be with the water.
So off he landed in the waters, he went with the current cause everyone was told that the water is rich.
But he never knew what life was like on cool breeze ever again.
How amazing was the mountains heights or the deep caves.
Cause... he was stuck with the waters.
This story was told to us cause after passing out... my instructor want each of us to have a purpose in life.
Like the leaf taking flight, we will taste that life is wonderful at our initial phase. But to bare in mind that during these times, we should actively search for our real purpose in life. Otherwise, we would be like the leaf... 随波逐流. At the end living a meaningless life.
He went on to share with us that his purpose in his life was his kids. And that all of us should have a purpose... like loving a girl, a wife, our parents or God. Purpose came in many forms for different people. And he pointed at me... Especially you.
Haha. He was right. I didn't had a solid purpose unlike my current peers. I'm lost for quite a while and had yet to find myself. I used to have a sparkle in me, something when I thought of ... trigger the urge and desire to perform, something introvert and powerful. Why did I loose it? Was it because my values or roots were shaken ever since I enrolled? Was it because I lost faith cause people took important things away from me and I couldn't forgive or forget? Was it because of these dumb thoughts of hatred or unjust?
May be I should restart. Travel back in days to find that small little purpose that I had always longed for. My childhood. My inspiration.
Still my favourite movie all time. Be with you.