This blog's dead by the writer's living his life on.
Meaningful life! "Outstanding" experience! A fullfilling life prophercy that is lived by many lives simultaneously, the writer writes on each day on a paper back journal.
Part of growing up is making choices and living the consequences
You know there's always this 1% guard feeling that the choices you are making are wrong. The ironic thing in these choices made are that there are never such a answer as PERFECT choice. So I made this choice of not entering university first. To work and earn a steady income before going into further academic studies. Of course this is a risky move.. what if I couldn't find a good job that pays me well and wouldn't it be better to take a degree and be employed. I decided to take on this bond and only enter the uni at 25.
The fear i have now is that I'll get a girlfriend 5 years younger then. WOULDN'T THAT BE PHEADOPHILE? Just a childish food for thought . =D
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