When you need escape, type to yourself. A sweet letter cures the sour moments in life and covers the bitter encounters.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
I'm growing fat with every counting day cause life here is too comfortable. Weather is perfect for breeding a big, fat and white me. The food here contributes all the more to this constant progressive growth.
Things are getting rougher, stress levels are building, requirements are accumulating and self-confidence is trembling.
It’s naive but I’m starting to question if I’m able to perform at that level, questioning my personal attributes.
Keep my prayers alive and hope for a miracle. If it’s my calling, it will be answered.
I do not ask for a perfection neither do I want to be the only one who prevails, I would just ask God to be who I am and what I’m destined to do.
I need support. Mutual support from someone special, to give me that special motivation but in these single rooms we checked in, there are only these 4 walls and me.
So awesome and strange these four walls are actually teaching me independence. Stand on my own even in times like these.
A pretty cup of clouds seen on my way here.
I know some where on this land you are having fun. Whether you acknowledge it or not, can you fly with me? It feels better to have you around.
Friday, 18 June 2010

It reads..
I'm wondering why I only see her in my dreams
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Don't take it personal that I'm making a big fuss out of it but because all my friends have been asking me out to club and today was finally the first..
Set off my house and saw u.d.d.e.r.s. ice creams right at my doorstep! Newly opened! Finally, some competition for the ever crowned champ ice cream chef, which seemed to run out of toppings to go with. Icecream would be much more of my choice as compared to clubbing. Tempting but nope nothing's going to prevent my foot from landing on e club's door cause it's going to be my frist time.
While taking bus 12, i passed by boring shopping malls and lonely roads at 2 hours before midnight. Yet, when i finally arrived at clarke quay, everything is a happening down here. From the showcasing of live telecast world cup at pubs to the chatterboxes in the restaurant, cheers and jeers every where. Screamings coming from the buggy ride and also from this spoil spot suicide attempt drama that i witnessed while walking towards the club.
A lady (i wouldn't exactly classify her as 'lady' for what she had done) dashed onto the road in attempt to suicide while screaming at her boyfriend. It appears this lady was being ignored by his boyfriend but come on, you can't possibly commit suicide just to catch a boy's attention?! For every time that she hops on that damn road, she just cause a series of cars to jam brake. Why would you possibly go so far for a guy? Just give up and find a new one will do, ending my life just to catch his attention? Why don't try buy a lambo instead, he might even cry his gut out when he sees one. Nvm, the important thing is that no one got hurt in the end.
I hesitated at the entrace for a while looking at those drunk and old chicks. Yeah, they look hell uncool.
Blasting speakers, blinding lights, elusive smokes fills the entire dance floor. A big bottle of chivaz(1.5L?) awaits the 12 of us. I mean wth, i'd probably only touched 1 ounce of that giant before, they expect me to tar even 1 cup of that. The speakers are worst than supersonics of aircraft, going at high pitches and blasting wave after wave. Definitely the place if you like to fracture some bones. My ears are nearly deaf and i couldn't take long hours of this. So i'm here now typing this along the quiet and smooth singapore river =D.
The police came to raid the place and we were chased out for about an hour. Cool shit. Wonder CY's around but I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of the raiders.
After they left, the clubs is back up agagin. My eyes are permanently stained by short skirts and thick eye liners. Why don't they just wear basketball shorts and be simple looking, they'd probably look a lot more prettier. Guys must be out of their mind to appreciate such beauty. Speaking about my friends, they manage to get 3 'chicks' sitting with us on our table which is totally disgusting. But i must act as if they are welcomed if not they'll otherwised be 'scared' away. Gosh.
So much for the first time. I was really trying very hard to like it, but it's definitely not my cup of tea. Clubbing is like disneyland, they mingle with your senses through audible, sensational and visual means. Except that clubbing is a total mess while disneyland gives a sweet after taste =D. My analogy. Haha.

Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Impossible. I'm possible.