7 days passed and everything had been a paradise.
Be it the food, company, entertainment, rest, weather or even the hot girls, I'm living in heavens. Too good that I feel spoilt and keeps me wondering it's changing me for the worst.
There are clear view of the horizons, the mountain ranges from east to west.
We had beer cause every friday evening in australia is a beer happening moment.
Although it looked awkward for orientals to be in a western culture, but as time pass by, we fit in naturally. I made 15 new buddies who talk cork sing song together. Somehow, I feel that we each came from similar background and that's why we can connect to each another so easily. More to come in the following week and it's only going to get tougher. Keep my cool and do the right job =). Believe in the lord. Entrust to him my worries and fears, all will go smooth with the wind.
The other day we had this self-introduction sharing session at the bar and some of them mentioned that they were getting engaged soon. Engaged the age of 25? But isn't a bit too early? For 19 and 20 year old like me, I was caught off guard when this topic came up. It wasn't one person who was planning on an engagement, it was THREE. Best of all, they had their girlfriends since 5 to 6 years back. Doush, where do I stand man, I have no plan in mind at all. Laggi best, I don't give a damn. Haha.
It's so easy to get emo when you have a room to yourself, especially so when it's so silent and quiet. You start thinking about life, about the past and your mind wonders off to some funny moments you had in college. Let out a sweet smirk and stare at the ceiling wondering how's that person. I miss your smile, I miss those times I tried hiding from you and looking at you from a far. Having perfect eye sight gave me the ability to look at people from a distance before they actually noticed me, so it's kind of a habit to pretend not to be looking when I was close. Haha.
I'm turning back into a kid again, man what have this place done to me.
Anyway, those were things of the past, spilled milk that shan't be cried over. =).
If I fail, I'll be in time for college day and most likely see you. But that's not going to be the ideal case right? I should come back in my white knight suite to congradulate the princess. Blehh... Let's have you be my motivation once again. +). To see you again next time when I'm ready and good. Dress in shining white amour and a cool horse. Not college day, probably another time.
I'm in my own one-sided fantasy land.. la la la la la la~
I'm sure no one will read this since this blog is so dead alr.
They have beer syrup here! How cool can things be? Haha.
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