When you need escape, type to yourself. A sweet letter cures the sour moments in life and covers the bitter encounters.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
The thing about working and growing up
You accept gifts and treats knowing fairly well that they will be asking you for a favor, or needing help from you in the future.
Realizing that there are objectives behind every actions of those around you. Everything comes with a rationale and reasons.
You start to see the selfish side of everyone else.
I miss my childhood life.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
what have i done to deserve this?
What have I done to deserve losing my soul supporter and dream girl to
a good friend.
What have I done to be called untrustworthy by a really close friend.
Why am I called a narcissist?
Why does he say I make my friend's blood boil?
Why does my closest friends say they are wasting time with me?
Why does he say that I am insensitive?
Why am I always celebrating victory alone?
What have I done to deserve dad being like that?
Why is everyone leaving?
When are friends when you need them most, or they are here only for
the good times?
Why am I accused of being selfish when I was trying to help?
Why am I so jealous of other families.
May be the kindest people always get bullied. May be the evil people
always get what they want. May be Liars always get the girls and
money. May be the truth was never desired. May be people rather lived
in denial.
All I ever wanted in life was to fly and make people's life better and
obviously I made them worst.
What's the point of my existence? To the world, what's the point of my
What have I done...
"it's just that you were never very trustworthy
i only dont tell you things
because you are the absolute worse person to trust
great now go touch your heart and reflect upon that word "sarcasm"
if i ever trust you again, damn me i'll be a fool.
now for a fact, i know you are a narcissist.
ho ho then today is a day you achieve epiphany
because you have no idea what you've done
secondly you have absolutely no idea what kind of a person you are
you don't think before you act
and you cant even read people well
absolutely no emotional quotient whatsoever
dude, i don't think i'm going to waste any more of my time on you
i have better things to do
take care and i wish you the best of luck with your friends
you dont know how much you make their blood boil
well you made it worse with all your assumptions, it's a pity up till now you have no idea
for the record, you were a great friend
ask the canoeists, they'll give you your answer
nothing happened but it isn't the first time you've posted her name on facebook
in the past _ was more than enough
typing out her full name, seriously dude, last straw
you're too insensitive to even understand anything
what in the world
it wasnt the first time alvin quek
and dude you have no idea what i feel
seriously alvin, fuck you and stop being a pathetic piece of shit"
Friday, 24 December 2010
What's next?
your dreams just falls into place in an instant, you are caught in a
dilemma of a virtual standstill asking yourself.. "What's next?".
I dated my dream girl, I got my ambition of becoming a pilot and a
course I wanted the uni. So here I am, asking myself.. What's next for
my life.
Staring at the stars gave me no answers and looking back gave
me no clue about my future ahead. I could only live each day as if
they were brand new.
I know I always want someone to spread love and lost my heart to, but
there's currently no avenue or if not WRONG avenue for me to find one,
this will go on for the next 5 years where I'm trapped in service.
Guess I'll have to cope it myself and learnt more to be independent.
Love can wait :), although I frequently longed to belonged to someone.
And I'll still continue to indulge in this "what's next" question so
if someone could enlighten me :).
and pushed us to our limits |
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010
It was an abrupt decision when my Mum suddenly told me to pack up and head to Taiwan! Shortly after 2 days, I found my foot off the grounds again and take flight all the way to Taiwan. 8 days with my mummy was an outstanding achievement for me, cause for the past days, the longest consecutive days I've been home was only 2. So then, "finally we managed to catch up". That's how she put it, although I booked out everyday and still manage to send a smile each day.
To the women who loves me most in this whole wide world.
This will be probably be the only 8 days straight period that I'll be spending with you in a long while. The commitment in life is getting greater and so much I must aspire to survive successfully as an adult.
To my dearest mum, these may be the last 8 days we'll be able to spend together like that. The laughter, joy, jokes, gossip, food or shopping, I'll treasure them most.
I love you. I would want to give both dad and you the most in your elderly age, happy times and joyful moments. So I'm going to work my best for these 2 years, get my financial stability and I promise to visit this week once again. =).
Of a special friend
During my trip, i encountered this very special friend. 4 years ago, we met in Hong Kong during an exchange trip. She was my host and I was her guest. What made her such a special friend was because we had a surprising amount of things in common, eventhough we lived so far apart. Our growing up years seemed to be simingly taunted and broken in terms of our academics. She stayed back a year and so did I, bla bla bla..
That was when we started a series of letters, each made up of stories to motivate each another. Small though they may be but it made a difference in me. Although I can bleakly remember what was written in them. Haha.
We both loved outdoor, sports such as basketball, music such as hilllsongs, movies such as inception, interest such as backpacking around the world, ambitions such as helping the poverted in 3rd world countries or believes such as christianity. Practically, we shared the first half our lives encountering similiar things (close to similiar may be?)
"Distance actually doesnt mean anything, it's you that really matters".
When I entered the army, I always questioned myself about my love life. At nights, I lay on my bed thinking about my years ahead when I signed on. "When will I finally meet one?", "is it alright if I only have one girl in my entire life?". Especially when the exposure to girls i extremely limited in the force. Got a little desperate sometimes which made me a little flirty with girls. Frankly, all guys in service are some what like that too, but probably differs in degree of it. Girls! Grab your army guys, they'll willingly submit submissively. Haha.
She made me realise the importance of being myself and that love couldn't be rushed. Love should be pure and simple, made up of pure and unconditional affection for one another. Not those tactics on I how to get a girl interested in you that I've been learning from my coursemates.
She is a single up till now and not been to a single date, mainly because she's been actively engaged with her studies and helping at the NGOs. So why get attached to romance at such an age? To me, love is sometimes boring and such a drag. Live your life to the fullest now, meet more friends, climb the unclimbed peaks, break the world records and go all around the world to see the horizons. =). I'm more interested in that.
Be it having only 1 girlfriend or none in my entire life, I know god has his best plans lined up for me :).
Until our next meet up again!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Once a young man straps on a jet aircraft and climbs into the heavens to do battle,
From Boyd by Robert Coram
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Indeed, the ups and downs of life is within the hands of the beholder.
No matter how boring life could be, most of the time it's up to the individuals to make them more colourful and interesting.
More interestingly, motivation is a disease - a healthy disease that spread like a venom. And I was gladly down with this disease passed by someone who have so much passion in wakeboard.
3 weeks around this place and I found a cool new 2 close friends. Somehow, we shared the common interest and ambition made the nature our conversation smooth. Feels good when there is someone I could talk to about personal issues and talk about secrets, bitch freely when we need to =).
It really feels more comfortable when you don't have to contain all your feelings to yourself and could share it with someone who actually understands it =).
To burn these 2 months of free time I have, I decided to take part in the coming Rd Ubin. To find some goals in life along the way and to get ready for the physical requirement of my next phase. Hello macritchie =)
Some random photos taken recently. Haven't been taking lots of photos lately cause as we all know, we aren't allowed to have cameras in there! Haha.
To the most dedicated teacher
And the most dedicated instructor. Cool tao dude. =)
He's really handsome btw.
And the best friends I encountered.
Thank u lord for answering my prayer =).
Saturday, 28 August 2010
this page of my diary is lonely. being on this lonely journey have been painful. it's a bad thing when only 1 person passes.
I found myself lost and empty.
lost of someone to talk to, empty of a companion whom walk the same path as me, who understands my situation and I could pour all my problems out to.
I want to share with that someone how exciting my life have been and complain about all the stress I've been shouldering.
lord I pray for that person to come sooner. I really need him/her beside me, to share my joys and sorrows. I want to love and be loved.
lord, I just need a friend. someone I can closely relate to. a keen listener or a good social talker. to hear about his/her life and be heard at the same time. I'm not trying to be greedy, just one will do...
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Cause They don't know me, but they pretend to be part of my social scenery ~ .♫"
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Thermo-dynamic miracles... events with odds against so astronomical they're effectively impossible, like oxygen spontaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing.
And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter... Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you, that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold... that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermo-dynamic miracle.
Laurie Juspeczyk:
But...if me, my birth, if that's a thermodynamic miracle... I mean, you could say that about anybody in the world!.
Dr. Manhattan:
Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget... I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point. As if new, it may still take our breath away. Come...dry your eyes. For you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly.
Laurie Juspeczyk:
Is that what you are? The most powerful thing in the universe and you're just a puppet following a script?
Doctor Manhattan:
We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Friday, 6 August 2010
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Dreams and me
Here's my claim : everything begins with a dream. Human ply for things by wanting, for the very same reason why we mankind dream.
We dream for simple things like love or the biggest things like wealth. When I was young, i always dreamt that toy figurine are able to manoeuvre and jump up to life. When i grew older, i dreamt about scoring ace in exams, winning national sports competition. And for today, i dreamt about soaring in the skies.
Dreams, they are powers not to be underestimated. Power beyond control and comprehension, powers that are able to turn imaginations into realities.
The wright bothers once dreamt that man kind are able to penetrate the skies and today we witnessed the galaxy with our own eyes. People are able to live on the dream of others and made it their own brand new dream. In this complexity, a more powerful double layered dream is formed. Coupled with inspirations of the makers of these dreams, today we have a craft called the 'spaceship'.
Those hallucinations or sudden flashes of great sensational feel are probably what binds me so closely to what i achieved. Probably that's my secret weapon i've always been using, the secret to most of my successes - to dream.
Don't stop dreaming folks! =)
Monday, 2 August 2010
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Saturday, 24 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Saturday, 17 July 2010
It has been quite an emotional week for many of us here at this town. Many friends around me will be departing back to sg soon and that leaves only the 3 of the lonely souls down here. It is unbearable when you see them put in so much effort yet unable to meet the mark. This system is too cruel to begin with. With a steep learning curve and stressful environment, we are expected to do almost the impossible. Now I know how precious my space is and all the more I should not let them down. Their effort spent here will not go to waste just like that. I'll show some results by the end of the day.
I should really drain all these negative energy away from me by the start of next week. It's down to the very last 5 and self-procrastination is not an option. Got to enter that cockpit with all the hype and joy I have left.
The confusion.
Earlier this Afternoon, I had doubts. Questions like what if I did succeed, will my life be as fruitful and promising as what the recruiters and people around me had recognised. There was this sudden conversation we had that actually made me reconsider my choice. But no more =). After hearing my instructor's lifetime stories, I know this is the perfect job made on earth, for me. It might not be as luxurious and comfortable as most deem it to be but it's a challenging adventure awaiting to be unfold. I must keep a constant vigilence from this point onwards, for if otherwise I am just toying with my own life. Keep learning and do the right thing =). Stay alive!
"The best thing in life is loneliness. Becasue it teaches you everything and when you loose it, you get everything."
oh yah. And don't be scared away if you see me chatting with your more often, I'll be needing more company in the subsequent weeks. Not like I'm showing gay tendency or anything. :P
Monday, 12 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
I'm growing fat with every counting day cause life here is too comfortable. Weather is perfect for breeding a big, fat and white me. The food here contributes all the more to this constant progressive growth.
Things are getting rougher, stress levels are building, requirements are accumulating and self-confidence is trembling.
It’s naive but I’m starting to question if I’m able to perform at that level, questioning my personal attributes.
Keep my prayers alive and hope for a miracle. If it’s my calling, it will be answered.
I do not ask for a perfection neither do I want to be the only one who prevails, I would just ask God to be who I am and what I’m destined to do.
I need support. Mutual support from someone special, to give me that special motivation but in these single rooms we checked in, there are only these 4 walls and me.
So awesome and strange these four walls are actually teaching me independence. Stand on my own even in times like these.
A pretty cup of clouds seen on my way here.
I know some where on this land you are having fun. Whether you acknowledge it or not, can you fly with me? It feels better to have you around.
Friday, 18 June 2010

It reads..
I'm wondering why I only see her in my dreams
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Don't take it personal that I'm making a big fuss out of it but because all my friends have been asking me out to club and today was finally the first..
Set off my house and saw u.d.d.e.r.s. ice creams right at my doorstep! Newly opened! Finally, some competition for the ever crowned champ ice cream chef, which seemed to run out of toppings to go with. Icecream would be much more of my choice as compared to clubbing. Tempting but nope nothing's going to prevent my foot from landing on e club's door cause it's going to be my frist time.
While taking bus 12, i passed by boring shopping malls and lonely roads at 2 hours before midnight. Yet, when i finally arrived at clarke quay, everything is a happening down here. From the showcasing of live telecast world cup at pubs to the chatterboxes in the restaurant, cheers and jeers every where. Screamings coming from the buggy ride and also from this spoil spot suicide attempt drama that i witnessed while walking towards the club.
A lady (i wouldn't exactly classify her as 'lady' for what she had done) dashed onto the road in attempt to suicide while screaming at her boyfriend. It appears this lady was being ignored by his boyfriend but come on, you can't possibly commit suicide just to catch a boy's attention?! For every time that she hops on that damn road, she just cause a series of cars to jam brake. Why would you possibly go so far for a guy? Just give up and find a new one will do, ending my life just to catch his attention? Why don't try buy a lambo instead, he might even cry his gut out when he sees one. Nvm, the important thing is that no one got hurt in the end.
I hesitated at the entrace for a while looking at those drunk and old chicks. Yeah, they look hell uncool.
Blasting speakers, blinding lights, elusive smokes fills the entire dance floor. A big bottle of chivaz(1.5L?) awaits the 12 of us. I mean wth, i'd probably only touched 1 ounce of that giant before, they expect me to tar even 1 cup of that. The speakers are worst than supersonics of aircraft, going at high pitches and blasting wave after wave. Definitely the place if you like to fracture some bones. My ears are nearly deaf and i couldn't take long hours of this. So i'm here now typing this along the quiet and smooth singapore river =D.
The police came to raid the place and we were chased out for about an hour. Cool shit. Wonder CY's around but I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of the raiders.
After they left, the clubs is back up agagin. My eyes are permanently stained by short skirts and thick eye liners. Why don't they just wear basketball shorts and be simple looking, they'd probably look a lot more prettier. Guys must be out of their mind to appreciate such beauty. Speaking about my friends, they manage to get 3 'chicks' sitting with us on our table which is totally disgusting. But i must act as if they are welcomed if not they'll otherwised be 'scared' away. Gosh.
So much for the first time. I was really trying very hard to like it, but it's definitely not my cup of tea. Clubbing is like disneyland, they mingle with your senses through audible, sensational and visual means. Except that clubbing is a total mess while disneyland gives a sweet after taste =D. My analogy. Haha.

Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Impossible. I'm possible.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010

It's about time I post again =).
Time flies and it's almost 4 months since I enlisted and this is the first time I got confined fined for my weekend. Being us, we must honour our weekends cause it's the most precious part of our training - rest and relax! So yup, it feels shitty having it taken away.
In order to kill time, I layed on my bed and started thinking about many logics in life and here I present to you about my thoughts. Lame, funny and somewhat humane or prudent.
How well do you know me?
Yeah, how well do you know me? How do you know you can work with me? How can I trust you?
If someone asked you these questions, what would be your instantaneous reaction? Your first reaction might be, I know your habits, character or simply saying.. yeah I know you well, well enough. Through our instincts we answer this questions by providing positive answers that comes to us about this person that's asking us this question. Today, I finally realized what does it meant by knowing a person, about how good you are with him/her.
As us being ourselves everyday, most of us have grave weaknesses since we are born and most of which are tough nuts to get rid of. The best way to understand a person would be understanding their weaknesses and protecting them from it. Having a buddy here made me realize this. So knowing his weakness, I must try to protect his back side.
You know when sometimes people say that you'll only treasure things once you've lost them? Girls or ladies, that's one important factor that is missing in all the botak head's life. Somehow, being deprive of being contact with the other gender makes a person yearn for more. I have never been so fond of talking to girls, back in school life the amount of talking I had was minimal and now it's like I'm making use of every opportunity I have to conversate to one. I want to learn more about them, talk to them and share with one about all my happenings. Feels good to be talking to one some how. Never had I been so fond about their company and it's kind of weird for this sudden burst of confound interest. Yes, I know I sound desperate and not to that extend which sickos are thinking of. I feel flirtatious for now and I think it's a good thing =D. My MJ friends say I'm a changed person and I totally agree man. What's why the alvin now? Damn right cool =).
What's for life?
First thing's first. I'm not exactly the kind of man who like money and fight for a living by earn mountains or billions of cash. Neither the kind who likes being a CEO or one who work extra hard for commissions or thicker pay slips. I don't wish to work in a profit organisation when I grow older. So my career choice is rather small with so few non-profit organisation in Singapore. I want to be part of the Humanitarian disaster aid relief and take part in operations that recover lives, save them and heal them. Yes, I'm not a doctor but I've got eyes of a pilot. This is my calling and I believe what comes easily are usually god sent. =)
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Meaningful life! "Outstanding" experience! A fullfilling life prophercy that is lived by many lives simultaneously, the writer writes on each day on a paper back journal.
Part of growing up is making choices and living the consequences
You know there's always this 1% guard feeling that the choices you are making are wrong. The ironic thing in these choices made are that there are never such a answer as PERFECT choice. So I made this choice of not entering university first. To work and earn a steady income before going into further academic studies. Of course this is a risky move.. what if I couldn't find a good job that pays me well and wouldn't it be better to take a degree and be employed. I decided to take on this bond and only enter the uni at 25.
The fear i have now is that I'll get a girlfriend 5 years younger then. WOULDN'T THAT BE PHEADOPHILE? Just a childish food for thought . =D
Sunday, 9 May 2010
There were these moments when my friends and seniors were my commanders. They were tasked to punish us for mistakes we have commited and these punishments are harsh and tough. So we smiled a little to one another when I was in pumping position. It's these little moments where I found meaningful and have a little bitter sweet sensation to it. Like both of you indirect sent messages to one another without others comprehending it.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Saturday, 3 April 2010
- 10 years of bond will mean that I might not be able to get married =X.
- Will my parents be angry if I decided not to provide off-springs? (Crap)
- Will my parents feel lonely when I'm constantly in the skies?
- What will become of me if I only get my degree at the age of 29?
- If I was injured in the course of my duty, who will be there to take care of my love ones?
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Sunday, 28 February 2010
I can play this =D. But only the basic tabs. In time to come, I hope I can manage to play all of jay chou's song but his songs have difficulty man...
And i sang happy birthday to myself. For a 2 weeks beginner, that's some achievement ok!