Wednesday 20 June 2012


I'm going to press pause at this point in time and enjoy this little moment I have at this very moment in time. Write a note to commemorate what I've been going through all along.

All my friends are out there enjoying their uni life, fun they have... eating, drinking, socialising, companions, sporting activities. While here I am day by day, preparing for flights, reading up on knowledge, aircraft systems, weather.. Preparing on restrictions. Drawing a trainee payslip and seeing the same old faces for the past 2 years.

Days here only gets tougher, from the time we step in till they time we put our heads on the pillow, its non-stop survival instincts, non-stop taking in of knowledge, non-stop management of problems. Time management and task prioritisation is part of our bread and butter.

Many people envy us for what we do, but many of our kind are sourcing for ideas to find an escape route.

Let alone all the stress, unhappiness in here, I'm just glad I have a good and stable job. Let away the politics, competitiveness, hectic schedules and high level of time commitment, my eyes have actually one of the best views on earth. The ticket to be forever a little kid, fly boy they called it. Seeing cars as if they are toy cars, birds as if we are dancing together, clouds which manipulated with us, the ever changing details of civilisation. How over time colours of trees changed, how the seasons changed with wind, how the power of being flexible and versatile is such a beauty.

This moment in time where I had a good grade for my check flights, leading my course, had a comfortable personal time cause of my horse, have a really pretty girl, sufficient sleep and not having anymore maggie for lunch.

I'd just like to thank god for the tough times, that made it so sweet to live these days I have now. How lonely and dividing it have been from a normal person's life. Thanks for injecting interesting things every now and then to make it exciting :).

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