Thursday 31 May 2012


Have any earthlink come to think that sometimes it's better not to know the truth? To believe in that moment, which felt so important, to know that things were path out nicely for you, without you having to expect or plan anything for? Hide the truth and forget about your identity or what you've been going through?

I've been living in lies all my life. Lies that made me believe, that gave me faith and strength to carry on with what I was doing. I ran in believing I'll become national champion runner someday, studied real hard cause I wanted to be a fighter pilot my whole life, been a nice guy knowing someday it'll bring me to a nice girl, working and investing real hard now cause I wanna build a good home in future.

None of these actually came true in reality, I was better on water than on land. I had blades on top of me instead of flying at mach speeds. And probably all girls on this land favour materialistic desires more than a good guy.

Dreams are important, although it might not become real eventually, it sure brings you to many wonderful places.

Guess I've lost that believe since a long while, now it's time to head out there and find a new hope. Find meaning in what I'm doing now, I definitely can't find hope in this ever demanding workplace which eats ate up my youth and happiness. Neither in my house filled with 2 beloved parents which are expecting me to basket happiness for them. I believe there's still something out there to share happiness with or where joy actually exist.

Probably there's someone out there who will appreciate you for what you do. I'll believe in prayers once again.

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