Saturday 14 July 2012

The aging phenonmena

Went to the bank today to fill up an application to apply for a certain thing. Went into the bank and there was a long queue, not surprising cause it was a Saturday morning. Behind me stood 2 man in their 40s or 50s. One were complaining how the aunties in front of us should not have used this time to deposit their cash, insensitive and loud they were. The other was complaining to the attendant how disorganized the bank was and how his carpark coupon is expiring.

So when it was my turn.. when I was filling up my application, one guy said... "Where got people fill up application on counter one, an educated person should have filled in before queuing up".
If only I know where he parked his car, I'll call the summon auntie directly to his car.

Hate these people who think they own the world, regardless of how powerful or rich you are you dont have the right to rule people without respecting their rights. Who thinks they are always right and on top of the situation, no remorse, no humility, arrogant, not humble, do not put himself in other people's shoes. Makes it very hard to live with them.

Yet again.. guess most of all elderlies are like that. With their years of encounter, each are very confident in their own stories, things they have gone through. Cause their youth experience was their golden years, things they hold most close to. Glad my mummy is not like that... but daddy... I could understand. Probably he was lonely for too long, it cornered him to be this way. But as a person grew older, he tends to be less dogmatic, humble and friendly.

They say life's like a reversal. When you grow old, eventually you'll become like a kid again. Now I have 2 kids under my care. Haha =D. When I've chance, I'll share how these 2 naughty heads behaves. HAHAHA.

Btw, this is my dumping ground of emotions, dumping ground of angst and release. Take things I say at your own discretion!! My happy times are not here. If you feel like you're being pulled down emotionally with all these releases, do pull yourself away from this blog. Delete it, forget the address and visit other joyful blogs.


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